Why would The US government tell you unemployment is 10% if it were really 22%? Hmmm…
Regardless of the reasons, don’t you deserve to be told the truth? I think you do. That’s why I occasionally talk about politics on this blog.
If you’re going to make decisions about money, finances, job, etc. you need accurate information. The beauty of the unemployment chart you see in this video is it comes from a source that just gives you the numbers. No financial market and political hype. Just the facts, ma’am.
Stop listening to mainstream media BS every night. Cruise over to shadowstats.com and see for yourself. The only way any of this will make sense is if you see what the government is telling you and then compare it to the truth.
Shadowstats.com provides something this country sorely lacks and that’s PERSPECTIVE. No one likes to be told lies. I know I don’t. I’m just pulling the curtain back so you can get a peek at The Wizard! You’re not in Kansas anymore.
To Your Financial Freedom,
Greg Whitaker