Archives For psychology


Black Friday is once again fast approaching. Take a closer look at what you’re doing and why when you shop. Retail therapy? Consumer addiction? Patriotism? Boredom?

It’s none of those. Black Friday is Americans acting like sheep and allowing themselves to be trained by advertising & media. You’ve been led to believe that consuming is how you define yourself.

Your self image is what determines everything in your life. I am…… You fill in the blank. Whatever you fill that blank with is how you live your life. Are you a $150 pair of shoes? Are you a pair of designer jeans? Of course not.

If you define yourself by what you have, you’ll never know happiness. Materially speaking, you were born with nothing and you’ll die with nothing.

I’ve never seen an armored truck at a funeral, have you?

If you feel your spending has gotten out of control, there’s help:
Shopaholics Anonymous

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com

Magnifying Glass

If I had more money, my life would get better. I could do what I really want to do. I’d change. I wouldn’t be mad at the world anymore. People would finally respect me. They’d love me. I could impress people. They’d think I was smart.

If I won the lottery I’d tell my boss to stick this job up his butt. I could finally give some money to charity. The scenarios go on, don’t they?

If you’re an idiot making $20k/year you’ll be an even bigger idiot making $200k/year. I hear you having that lame conversation in your head right now, “No, not me. I’m different. And even if I’m still miserable with more money at least I’ll be miserable AND comfortable.” Comfortable is dangerous. It keeps you from kicking your own ass.

Money is the great equalizer, isn’t it? It levels the playing field when you’re out looking for a mate. It’s like perfume that attracts prey. Make a mistake and money can cover it up. Live recklessly and money can bring order out of chaos. Get arrested and buy your way out of it. Rich people do it all the time, don’t they?

It’s easy to think if we just had some more money we could really start living life. There’s only one problem. Whether you’ve got money or not, you’re still living life. How are you living $10/hr and what would magically change about who you really are if you started making $100/hr?

Money is like a magnifying glass. It distorts the image and blows it up so you can see all the small details of the object you’re examining. More money shows the world all the small details of who you really are. Where/how you spend is an expression of what’s important to you.

Money is an excuse we use to live lives of mediocrity. I can’t because I’ve got bills. I can’t because I’ve got a mortgage payment. Once we get some money we’ll live our dreams. No matter how much money you’ve got, you’re living your dream right now. If you aren’t happy with what you’re dreaming, you screwed up somewhere in this equation. You just use lack of money as an excuse. And the hamster on the treadmill marches on.

Money is a magnifying glass showing the world the real you. Money is a mirror that shows you the real you. Don’t like what you see? Buying a bigger mirror isn’t going to solve the problem. You can’t change the mirror. You can change you.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com


Wake up America. You’ve slept in a TV entranced, pop-culture orgy of a stupor too long. See the track marks on your arms from needles of hyper consumerism? See the dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep? You struggle to stay awake in your hideous nightmare of plastic existence you mistakenly call life.

Your intellectual womb polluted, you’ve forgotten how to produce anything of beauty. Blinded by the razor scalpel of misguided self sacrifice, you can’t see your folly.

You’ve outsourced the right of passage of live birth to surgeons, outsourced the raising of your children to strangers in public education, outsourced care of your elderly to nursing homes, and outsourced the right of passage of burying your dead to funeral homes.

You’ve outsourced your relationship with God to churches, pastors, & gurus. And you wonder why you feel disconnected.

Addicted to a false sense of identity perpetuated by imperialism, you disguise it as patriotism. Others die globally at the hands of your war machine. Both you and your elected leaders lack the guts to spill innocent blood yourselves. You pay hired soldiers to do the dirty work for you and worship them for doing their “duty.”

You cloak yourself in the American flag to stay warm and safe from what’s really happening around you.

Are you evil or a sinner? No. You’re a magnificent spiritual being who remains in a state of amnesia. Something inside you tells you things aren’t right. Something inside you screams at the top of it’s lungs to rise above the smoke of lies and deceit. You crave to once again breathe the fresh air of your natural being. You desperately want to be set free from a prison you’ve unwittingly constructed with your own mind.

The only crisis you suffer is one of identity. You don’t know who you are anymore. Not only have you forgotten who you are, you’ve forgotten that you’ve forgotten.

You’re already free. You just don’t know it yet. You’re too busy blaming while you give your power away to people you call politician, white, black or foreigner.

You will allow others to abuse you only slightly more than you abuse yourself. Your body is a vessel, not a temple to be worshipped. Stop butchering yourself with breast enhancements, nose jobs, and liposuction.

The time has come to stop breast feeding on ignorance and misguided ego. No one in this life owes you a damn thing. Stop waiting for your check to come in the mail. Government and lawyers aren’t your saviors. You are your savior.

You don’t owe anyone anything America. Stop soothing your guilt with self hate. The time has come to eat the solid food of personal responsibility. Clean up your own mess as you go along. Don’t expect your children to do it. No one can do your work for you.

Standard of living is not the same as quality of life. Money doesn’t create consciousness. Consciousness creates money. Your checkbook is a window to your soul. Where you spend your money tells the world what is most important to you. Your greatest currency is love. Learn to give it and you’ll feel deserving to receive it.

Question everything you’ve ever been taught, including religion. It is your source of spiritual bondage. God is too big to fit into one belief system.

You’re already on God’s “A” list due to the fact you showed up on planet earth. Stop seeking approval from God and your fellow human beings. Until you learn to love yourself, you will never rise above your current level of consciousness.

You are not afraid of dying. You are afraid of living.

God created man in it’s own image. You are a part of God and freedom is your birthright. You are powerful beyond measure. Start acting like it.

Give us a call on our voicemail feedback hotline at 615-200-7189 or drop Greg an email at:
greg [at] debtshepherd [dot] com