Archives For Personal Finance Education

I discuss the concept of Family Banking and the possible benefit of introducing it to your kids.

Keep it simple when racking your brain trying to figure out why government takes so long to do anything halfway useful or productive.

Don’t assume they know what they’re doing and that’s why it’s taking so long.  After all, they’re experts right?  Who told you they’re experts?

The reason government takes sweet time providing anything at all is simple.  It doesn’t have to provide excellent customer service.  It doesn’t have to compete in the market place and provide anything at a competitive price.  Why not?  Because it lacks competition.  Government is in the business of eliminating competition, free thinking, and self reliance.  That’s is it’s job security.

The federal gov’t is a for profit corporation.  City, county, and state gov’t are all franchisees of federal gov’t and are all for profits as well.  City, County, and State gov’t all work for the federal gov’t. Not you.

Gov’t is in the business of screwing things up that could work well most of the time if left alone.  Why?  Because it has to struggle to remain relevant in changing times and remain relevant in your life.  Efficiency saves money.  Gov’t is not in the business of saving you money.  If it got efficient and enough folks caught wind of it, said folks would expect lower taxation.  When do you suppose your tax bill will go down?

Asking a gov’t hack to stop taxing you is asking that hack to eliminate his or her job.  Not gonna happen.  Baby needs a new pair of shoes, right?

If you catch on to how stupid, slow and inept gov’t is and how much putting up with it is REALLY costing.  Well, you just might get so pissed that you’d do something about it.  If you had a set of balls.

Gov’t doesn’t want you to know its terrible secret.  The secret is you don’t need it.  The secret is it lies, cheats, and steals as a business model.  Corruption is where big money is made.  There’s plenty of profit in playing fairly for most businesses.  But that’s not enough profit for greedy, illegitimately elected pencil pushers.

Never forget: lying, cheating and stealing is the gov’t business model.  Research your local elected gov’t hack.  Mayor, state representative or governor.  Dig for their profession before and after taking office.  Dig for their net worth before and after taking office.  Who did they marry?  Is politics their family business?  Don’t forget, politics IS a business.  A HUGE one indeed.

As for employees of these corrupt corporations, most are unaware of what’s really going on at the top.  At the top, the job has nothing to do with unselfishly serving people.

Gov’t is supposed to be serving you.  It’s been turned around.  Now you’re the one serving it via taxation.  By the way, the word service is derived from the Latin word servitium, which means servitude, bondage, or slavery.

In the end, we tolerate gov’t for one reason.  We’ve come to rely on it far too much.  We believe it’s not our job to fix things.  The modern welfare state has replaced fathers in homes.  Govt wants it to stay that way, like a big union protecting its workers.  

How do you help change it?  Self reliance.  Learn to be more self reliant in any way possible.  Pick one way for starters.  Do a little bit at a time.  Grow your own vegetables.  Harvest rain water for drinking.  Don’t send your kids to gov’t schools.  Stop taking vaccinations.  Turn off mainstream news.  Give up TV.  Read a book.  A real book with pages.

All things that grow start out as a tiny seed.  They require time, care, and attention.  Just like you do.  Be good to yourself.  Keep that moral compass with you at all times.  Beauty isn’t complicated and it’s not expensive.  Create and share something wonderful with the world.  Go ahead, you can do it.  The rest of us will be right here waiting for you.

Copyright 2021, Debt Shepherd, All Rights Reserved

The Wolf is Wall Street. Finally, this criminal enterprise is being exposed for what it truly is: a casino. And the house never loses, until now.

When you learn how much money has been stolen from Americans, it will piss you off in a way you can’t begin to imagine.

Copyright 2020, Debt Shepherd, All Rights Reserved

What is Money? – 256 DSR

October 28, 2018

What is money? It’s probably not what you think.

Two questions:
What is money?
What is the Fiat money disease?

Quote by John Maynard Keynes, Father of Keynesian Economics

Homework. Look up:
Depository Trust Company
Cede & Company


Check out the podcast page if you’re interested in a rapid debt elimination consultation. That’s what leads to coaching. Thanks for listening. I’ll see you in the next episode.

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.
Copyright 2018, Debt Shepherd, All Rights Reserved

Why the gov’t can’t operate without continuing to borrower money.

End The Fed – book
The Creature from Jekyll Island – book
Trump’s Tweets End the Myth of Fed Independence – article

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.
Copyright 2018, Debt Shepherd, All Rights Reserved

What do the 4th of July and getting out of debt have in common?

4th of July –
America celebrating independence from a tyrannical king. Getting out from under outside control of another nation and person.

Declare Independence from Banks –
I thinks it’s safe to say The 4th of July is an analogy Debt Shepherd can use. Breaking away from the power, control, dependency we have on banks. Not paying rent for the use of someone else’s money (interest) all our lives.

Saving –
I recently heard a speaker say “You can’t save your way to wealth.” That’s true because of the hidden tax of inflation. As time goes by, your dollars have less purchasing power due to rising prices. Rising prices are due to increase in money supply.

Investing –
If saving can’t get you wealth, what can? Investing in something that is getting you a high enough rate of return that not only beats the rate of inflation but then some.

Rich Dad Poor Dad (book)
The Creature from Jekyll Island (book)
The ABC’s of Real Estate Investing (book)

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.
Copyright 2018, Debt Shepherd, All Rights Reserved

What do people in power consistently use to keep people divided against each other?

Topic I’ve never covered. You may be offended. Not my intention and this isn’t an apology. It’s a call to rational thinking and intellectual curiosity.

Understanding Division:
Not talking about math. Today it’s about your mindset. Thinking about things that are uncomfortable.

What do people in power consistently use to keep people divided against each other?
Skin color staple for decades in The US. The civil rights act of 1964.
Now it’s anything at all: sex, gender, tolerance: especially if you speak out against Radical Islam or Muslims. Guns. Abortion.

Dinesh D’Souza’s YouTube lecture: D’Souza exposes the secret history of LBJ.
Quite the eye opener.

Why do they want us divided against each other? Very easy. So we won’t see the real reason nothing ever really changes no matter who is in office.

What if racism is a smokescreen?
What if the real division among us is financial?
What if the real division among us is class? Class warfare. The essence of class struggle.

They keep us divided against each other to stay in power.
Racism invokes emotion. They want you to vote emotionally, not logically. Emotion is reaction. Logic isn’t.

Dinesh D’Souza
Jim Goad
Candace Owens
Michael Tsarion

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.
Copyright 2018, Debt Shepherd, All Rights Reserved

1+1 & 2-2: 251 DSR

May 20, 2018

Getting out of debt is simple math.

The Simple Math of Getting out of Debt
Simple? Yes. Easy? No.
The going into debt side: $1 of debt plus $1 dollar of debt = $2 of debt.
Fast, easy, and debt can stick around a long time.

The getting out side: $2 of debt minus $2 of debt = $0 dollars of debt.
Can be time consuming, slow, and sometimes seemingly endless.
No magic, just simple math.

Your biggest enemy in this process? Your mind (ie: your habits, what/how you think about money).

What is debt?
You selling your future labor today. Contracting your labor into the future. You sign the contract (note, credit card agreement, etc) promising to make future payments. Those payments are a result of your labor.

Not only do you repay the principle balance (purchase price), you repay interest payments on top of that.

Before borrowing the money ask yourself, “Is there another way to get what I want without borrowing?” Wait longer, save the money, trade, barter, etc.

Food for thought: When animals hunt the food they need, they don’t stock up for future use. They typically gather what they need, eat, and then hunt another day. No stockpiling, which is what borrowing is.

The Richest Man in Babylon – George Clason

Get Your Mind Straight. Get Your Money Straight.
Copyright 2018, Debt Shepherd, All Rights Reserved