069 DSR – The Child You Once Were

December 7, 2012 — Leave a comment


This blog post is dedicated to my wife Lynn and aunt Tammy. They both commented on a pic from facebook that posed a most interesting question:

What would the child you once were think of the adult you have become?

The child I once was would think this of the adult I’ve become:

Hey old man. Not too shabby. Not too shabby at all. Congratulations on surviving childhood and puberty. Didn’t think you’d pull out of that marathon drinking career of yours but you did. You’re so much nicer to be around and you laugh a lot more.

You’ve still got a pretty wild imagination. But don’t keep it under your hat so much. Let it out for the world to see more often. I notice you still love to read, learn, and share knowledge with everyone around you. Don’t lose that bro. Don’t lose that.

Looks like you listened to Mom and learned to love people no matter what color their skin is or where they came from. I almost forgot. You actually are color blind! Seeing the good in most everybody means you’ve got more friends to play with. Pretty cool, huh? You edit what you say once in a while but I understand you have to sometimes do that to get along in the world.

You paid attention to Mom and Dad and learned what a sense of humor is all about. Cool beans. I’m happy you finally realized there’s nothing you’re supposed to do. Just do what makes you happy. Live for the moment. You still remember what it’s like to get excited about learning something new. And you still look forward to staying up late once in a while on a Friday night and sleeping in on Saturday.

By the way, your favorite color is blue. I think it’s great you spend most of your spare time talking to strangers on the radio. Remember, the only thing you got in trouble for in school was talking too much? Revenge is sweet, ain’t it?

Don’t be sad when other grown ups keep hurting themselves with self hate. You were once there and you eventually learned to love yourself. Give em’ time. God is whispering in their ears just like he did in yours. They’ll hear the voice.

You have a big heart. Don’t say I’m sorry for who you are. Keep waking up every day looking forward to what happens next. Teach others what you learn. It’s how us kids do it.

I just want to say how proud I am of you. I’m not mad at you for when you used to be afraid to be a kid. It’s OK to be scared sometimes. The world can be a dark place. Just remember to turn on the light switch. I know you don’t want children of your own, but If I had to pick anyone else to be my Dad, you’d be the one I’d pick.

You’re my best friend. I love you Greg.

What would the child you once were think of the adult you have become?

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Greg Whitaker

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Greg is a financial wellness educator, tireless ambassador for financial literacy, and the founder of Debt Shepherd.

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