031 DSR – Life Lessons From a Dog Named Maggie

July 29, 2012 — Leave a comment

She came to be with us 10 yrs. ago. A black and tan cocker spaniel named Maggie. Tan on her feet, eyebrows, and butt. White on her chest and throat. 22 lbs. of four legged awesomeness, she was a perfect little hound dog in every sense of the word.

Her two siblings previously died of liver disease.  Both within 90 days of my mother’s passing. Then terminal liver disease was found 4 yrs. ago with Maggie and with expert veterinary care we were blessed to see her live a bit longer with very good quality of life. Thank you Dr. Michael Head & staff of Madison, TN.  She just left us a few days ago.

She had gotten sicker and we had to help her make the transition without suffering. I was less than 12 inches from her beautiful face for the last 10 minutes of her life. We spoke words of love and told her how much we loved her and to not be afraid. I thanked her for loving my wife Lynn and I. Days prior, knowing she was close to leaving us I thanked God through tears of sorrow and joy. Thank you God for showing us so much love through this wonderful little dog named Maggie.

We were there with her until the end. When the final bit of medicine was given to ease her suffering, I looked into her beautiful face and for the first time I saw the life force in the eyes of a living being leave. Her eyes went black. We closed them and hugged her lifeless, still, warm body one last time before saying goodbye. And it has changed me….deeply.

Remembering our 10 yrs. with her, I reflect on what she taught me:

God Lives In and Expresses Thru Everything
Many times during her life, I looked into Maggies eyes and knew God was smiling at me.
There is no living creature or substance that God doesn’t animate and express itself thru. Life’s deepest lessons are found when we pay attention to the subtlest of its expressions.

Being in The Presence of Loved Ones
Maggie loved to be in the same room with us almost all the time. She wasn’t needy or insecure, she just enjoyed being part of the pack. She didn’t bark much, only when it was necessary. She listened far more than she spoke.

Love Unconditionally
There was no judgement, ever. She was always glad to see us come home. Loved to be loved and enjoyed being held, caressed, and talked to. Her love was constant and unchanging.

Enjoy The Simple Things
After going outside to fertilize the grass, she always enjoyed a dog biscuit or “cookie” as we called them. This never got old. She was excited about it every time. She had mastered the art of taking naps and was an expert as just being in the stillness.

I encourage you to pay attention to animals, especially pets. I’ve heard them referred to by Esther Hicks as the great energy balancers of the planet. I know this to be true from my direct experience of being in Maggie’s presence for 10 years nearly every single day.

Thank you God for bringing us such an awesome little four legged teacher of love! In between the joy and sorrow I can still feel the presence of all that is. And for that I am grateful.  Thank you Maggie and thank you God.

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Greg Whitaker

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Greg is a financial wellness educator, tireless ambassador for financial literacy, and the founder of Debt Shepherd.

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